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Trampoline banner image

Photo courtesy of Communications Nova Scotia/Len Wagg

Upcoming Events

Titans Tumbling Meet
40 Broom Road, Dartmouth, NS
Rider Cup
Competition hosted at: West Kings District High School 1941 highway #1, Auburn, NS
NS Provincial Gymnastics Championships
40 Broom Road, Dartmouth, NS

Trampoline & Tumbling

Recreational Trampoline & Tumbling

Recreational Trampoline & Tumbling  consists of learning skills organized into levels of difficulty starting with the basic jumps and safety skills and moving on to skills that will eventually be combined into routines that are performed for fun. Some recreational athletes participate in the provincial Tumble & Twist clinics and competitions designed for recreational athletes to experience the fun of performing and friendly competition without the stress of having to meet any particular qualifying score.

For information on a National Recreational Trampoline Program please see CanJump.

Competitive Trampoline & Tumbling

Individual Trampoline

Athletes perform a 10-skill compulsory routine (pre-set by the Provincial committee each year) that is judged on execution only (performance). Athletes then perform a 10-skill voluntary routine consisting of elements chosen by the athlete and coach. The voluntary routine is judged on execution and the degree of difficulty difficulty (DD) of each element in the routine that is added together to make a total difficulty score. The execution scores for each routine are added together and the DD is then added to this total to form a final score for the athlete.

The athletes compete on a 7'x14' woven bed attached to a metal frame by springs that propel the body into the air. The goal of the athlete is to complete each 10-skill routine with no extra bounces in between each skill and landing every skill in the centre of the bed ending the routine with a stuck landing.

Synchronized Trampoline

Two competitors compete the same compulsory and voluntary routines at the same time on trampolines that are aligned side by side. The athletes are judged on their execution, difficulty of the routines and on their ability to perform the routines in synchronized fashion. The athletes goal is to be mirror images of each other.

Power Tumbling

Athletes perform two tumbling passes consisting of 5-8 skills each depending on their level. The athletes compete on a floor made of fiberglass rods attached to steel frames and covered with a 3" covering made of specialized foam and carpet. The full tumbling floor is 26 metres long and 1.5 metres wide.  The special construction of the floor gives the athletes very explosive power and makes for a dazzling display of tumbling skills. Competitors compete 2 passes the first a compulsory pass judged on execution only with the second a voluntary pass being judged on execution and degree of difficulty the same as trampoline.

Double Mini-trampoline

Competitors compete 2-4 voluntary passes (depending on their level) made up of 2-3 skills in a pass that are both judged on execution and degree of difficulty.  Each competitive level has special requirements that must be met as well. The apparatus consists of a metal frame holding two trampoline beds with the one slightly slanted upward to meet the second bed which is horizontal. The athlete approaches the Double Mini-trampoline (DMT) from a run, hurdles onto the slanted bed, performs a skill that must place them landing onto the second bed and then performs a second skill that propels the athlete off the DMT onto a landing zone consisting of firm safety mats. Some athletes perform a 3-skill pass where the second skill takes off the horizontal bed, lands back onto bed and then the third skill propels the athletes off off the horizontal bed and lands onto the landing zone.