Please find a list of available resources below. Resources are grouped by type of information. To find any particular file please find the appropriate group, and click/press on the file you are looking for. The PDF file will be displayed for viewing or downloading.
Resource List
Learning Management System (LMS)
- GNS Grants
- GNS Grants
GNS Special projects - Club/Recreation Development Request Form
GNS Bursary Application
- GNS Membership & Insurance
- GNS Membership & Insurance
- GNS Sanction Forms & Expense Forms
- GNS Sanction Forms & Expense Forms
GNS Out of Atlantic Province and Out of Country Sanction Request Form
GNS Team Travel Report Form
- Materials to Purchase
- Materials to Purchase
CanGym Badges- GNS Members
Coach Evaluation Packages
2021-2022 Coach Level Requirements & Exemption Form
- Other
- Other
Covid-19 Information for clubs
Gymnastics NS protocols for re-opening FINAL V.29- March 7, 2022.pdf
GNS Operational Plan for Competitions Covid19 - Final V.6 - March 2, 2022.pdf
GNS Declaration of Compliance for participants - Final V.15 - Oct 20 2021.docx
GNS Vaccine clarifications - October 20, 2021.pdf
COVID-19 Protocol for Proof of Full Vaccination for Events and Activities FINAL.pdf
GNS consent form for recording vaccination status.pdf
Covid restrictions memo - April 22, 2021 .pdf
GNS Operational Plan for Competitions Covid19 - Final V.2 - February 26th 2021.pdf
Covid restrictions memo - November 24, 2020.pdf
GNS Club declaration of compliance form - Final v.1 July 7, 2020.docx
GNS Assumption of Risk (with COVID) - Final V.1 June 10, 2020.docx
Safe Sport Considerations - Return to Train - Final.pdf
GNS Return to Gymnastics Athletes guide.pdf
GNS Return to Gymnastics - coaches guide.pdf
GNS Return to Gymnastics families guide.pdf
Final GNS_In-home-training-guidelines.pdf
TIPS to keep active and healthy.pdf
COVID Tolerance for Uncertainty Workbook - Dr Nagasawa.pdf
Economic Response Plan - letter to Provincial Sport Organizations.pdf
CAC Long-Term Athlete Development information for parents
Gymnastics Canada LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development)